Showing posts with label bahasa inggris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bahasa inggris. Show all posts

contoh percakapan pendek 5 orang tentang ulang tahun

Assalamualikum, wr. wb. Kali ini saya akan membagikan artikel bahasa inggris tentang percakapan 5 orang mengenai ulang tahun seseorang. Percakapan ini membawa 5 cakap perorang, jadi terbilang ini percakapan yang tidak terlalu sulit.

One day in the classroom, there are zidan, nasywa, rayhan and Raisha. They are talking about new year.
Nasywa : Happy new years all of my Bestfriend
Zidan : Happy new years too
Rayhan : I wish in this lucky years, I got something that I want
Raisha : Hey, do you know What? Our Friend Won the student award, the golden trophy from the President
Nasywa : OH MY GOD, Are you sure with it??? Who won it
Raisha : She is our Bestfriend, her name is Anindita!!
Rayhan : Really?, I'll call Anin
Nasywa : don't call her. We better make surprised for her
Dinda : Yeah That's a Good Idea, But What is it? I don't have more idea
Nasywa : she always talk about new phone, She always hope it someday
Raisha : Do you mean that you want to give her Phone?
Nasywa : Yes, I have 2 phones and I'll give it one to Anindita.
Suddenly, anindita comes to in the class.
Zidan : look! That is Anin.
Rayhan : Hey Anin!!!(call anin)
Anindita : What's wrong guys ?
Anindita : Thanks But...
Nasywa : Anin, i have something for you
Anindita : What is that? Do you know my birthday now?
Anindita : Yes
Rayhan : Happy birthday Anin!
Raisha : wish You luck your life
Anindita : Thank you, Hmm Nasywa, you told me You have something for me? What is it?
Nasywa : Happy birthday Anin , this all your wish became true (give phone)
Anindita : Oh my god Nasywa! I want it So much, thanks.
Finally, anindita get the phone, she was happy and she will never forget this moment.

Posted by Fadlan Mumtaz
Fadlan Mumtaz Updated at: Saturday, August 24, 2019

Cara Membuat Susu Jahe Dalam Bahasa Inggris

English Language:

How to make sweet hot milk tea:


  1. A spoon
  2. A Glass
  3. 1 ginger (wash and mash it)
  4. 1 liters of waters
  5. 2 clove grains
  6. 5 tablespoon sweetened condensed milk
  7. cinnamon to taste
  8. Sugar to taste

How to make:
  1. Boil the ginger, cinnamon with 1 liter of water until boiling.
  2. Add some sugar and wait until boiling.
  3. Stir it and add sweetened condensed milk.
  4. Boil until boiling.
  5. Lift and pour The Wedang Ginger Milk to glass
  6. Ready to serve.

Baca Juga "Cara membuat kopi sachet/instan dalam Bahasa Inggris"

Dalam bahasa Indonesia:
In Indonesian Language:
Cara membuat Teh Susu Hangat:


  1. Sendok makan
  2. Sebuah Gelas
  3. 1 rimpang jahe (cuci bersih, memarkan)
  4. 1 liter air 
  5. 2 butir cengkeh
  6. 5 sdm susu kental manis putih
  7. batang kayu manis secukupnya
  8. Gula pasir secukupnya

Cara membuat:
  1. Rebus jahe, kayu manis dan cengkeh bersama 1 liter air hingga mendidih.
  2. Tambahkan gula pasir secukupnya dan tunggu hingga kembali mendidih. 
  3. Aduk-aduk dan masukkan susu kental manis. 
  4. Rebus lagi hingga mendidih. 
  5. Angkat lalu tuang wedang susu jahe ke dalam gelas.
  6. Siap untuk disajikan

Contoh lainnya:
Cara membuat jus jeruk dalam Bahasa Inggris
Cara membuat jus tomat dalam Bahasa Inggris
Posted by Fadlan Mumtaz
Fadlan Mumtaz Updated at: Monday, April 08, 2019

Cara membuat Papeda Telur Gulung Dalam Bahasa Inggris dan artinya

Assalamualaikum, Apakah kalian tahu papeda? Jika kalian belum mengetahui papeda, Papeda adalah makanan khas daerah timur indonesia khususnya Ambon. Makanan ini biasanya disajikan secara cepat dengan harga yang murah. Makanan ini terjangkau bagi kalangan pelajar dan umumnya dijajakan dikantin sekolah dan para pedagang pinggir jalan khususnya daerah Jawa. Mungkin karena saya orang jawa ya, hehehe.

Mungkin dari kalian yang mendapatkan tugas mengenai cara membuat papeda dalam bahasa inggris. Kali ini saya akan memberikan cara membuat papeda dalam bahasa Inggris yang mudah.

Cara Membuat Papeda Telur Gulung

Bahan-bahan :

  • 50 gram Tepung sagu/aci
  • 50 gram Tepung beras
  • 1 Telur puyuh mentah
  • 200 ml air atau secukupnya saja
  • Garam
  • Bubuk makanan rasa keju/balado/abon (Secukupnya)
  • Saus sambal
  • Mentega

Cara Membuat :

  1. Pertama, siapkan wadah untuk membuat adonan tepung sagu.
  2. Masukkan dan campur tepung dengan air dan garam secukupnya. Aduk-aduk sampai bahan tercampur rata.
  3. Siapkan telur puyuh.
  4. Panaskan penggorengan dan beri mentega secukupnya .Lalu pecahkan telur puyuh ke dalam penggorengan yang sudah panas dan hancurkan dengan di guncang penggorengannya.
  5. Tuangkan adonan aci tersebut di atas telur puyuh dan lebarkan bentuk bundar seperti sedang mendadar.
  6. Setelah itu taburkan bubuk makanan rasa keju/balado (sesuai selera) di atasnya.
  7. Masukkan saus sambal.
  8. Tusuk bagian pinggir menggunakan tusuk sate lalu gulung.
  9. Selanjutnya gulung terus sampai jadi papeda.
  10. Sajikan di piring dan siap dihidangkan.

How To Make Papeda Egg Rolls


  • 50 grams sago flour
  • 50 grams of rice flour
  • 1 Raw quail egg
  • 200 ml of water or just enough
  • Salt
  • Cheese / Balado /abon flavored food powder (to taste)
  • Chili Sauce
  • Butter

Cara Membuat :

  1. First, prepare a container to make the sago flour mixture.
  2. Add and mix flour with water and salt to taste. Stir until ingredients are well blended.
  3. Prepare quail eggs.
  4. Heat the frying pan and give enough butter. Then break the quail egg into a hot frying pan and crush it with the frying pan.
  5. Pour the aci mixture on top of the quail egg and widen the round shape like you are doing it.
  6. After that, sprinkle the food powder with cheese / balado flavor (according to taste) on it.
  7. Add chili sauce.
  8. Skewer the edges using a skewer and roll it.
  9. Then roll until it becomes papeda.
  10. Serve on the plate. Ready to serve

Artikel Lainnya :

    Posted by Fadlan Mumtaz
    Fadlan Mumtaz Updated at: Sunday, March 10, 2019

    Cara membuat jus jeruk dalam bahasa inggris

    Cara membuat jus jeruk dalam bahasa inggris

    Dalam bahasa Inggris:

    Kali ini saya akan membagikan artikel tentang Procedure Text "Cara membuat jus jeruk dalam bahasa inggris dan Artinya". Ini menggunakan air, blender dan gelas juga sendok saja dan begini petunjuknya:

    English Language:

    How To Make Orange Juice

    Ingredients And Tools:

    1. A spoon
    2. Some oranges
    3. 150 ml of water
    4. Sugar
    5. A juicer
    6. Glass

    Step By Step:

    1. Add oranges into a juicer
    2. Add water
    3. Add some sugar
    4. Turn on the blender for a few moments
    5. Pour into a glass
    6. Ready to serve
    In Indonesian Language:

    Cara Membuat Jus Jeruk

    Bahan dan Alat:
    1. Sebuah sendok
    2. Jeruk secukupnya
    3. 150 ml air
    4. Gula
    5. Blender
    6. Gelas

    1. Masukan jeruk ke dalam blender
    2. Tambahkan air
    3. Tambah gula secukupnya
    4. Nyalakan blender dan tunggu beberapa saat
    5. Tuangkan ke dalam gelas
    6. Siap untuk disajikan

    Contoh Lainnya:
    Posted by Fadlan Mumtaz
    Fadlan Mumtaz Updated at: Wednesday, February 27, 2019

    Cara membuat jus tomat dalam bahasa inggris

    Cara membuat jus tomat dalam bahasa inggris

    Dalam bahasa Inggris:

    Kali ini saya akan membagikan artikel tentang Procedure Text "Cara membuat jus tomat dalam bahasa inggris dan Artinya". Ini menggunakan air, blender dan gelas juga sendok saja dan begini petunjuknya:

    English Language:

    How To Make Tomato Juice

    Ingredients And Tools:

    1. A spoon2. Some Tomatoes
    3. 150 ml of water
    4. Sugar
    5. A juicer
    6. Glass

    Step By Step:

    1. Add tomatoes into a juicer
    2. Add water
    3. Add some sugar
    4. Turn on the blender for a few moments
    5. Pour into a glass
    6. Ready to serve
    In Indonesian Language:

    Cara Membuat Jus Tomat

    Bahan dan Alat:
    1. Sebuah sendok2. Tomat secukupnya
    3. 150 ml air
    4. Gula
    5. Blender
    6. Gelas

    1. Masukan tomat ke dalam blender
    2. Tambahkan air
    3. Tambah gula secukupnya
    4. Nyalakan blender dan tunggu beberapa saat
    5. Tuangkan ke dalam gelas
    6. Siap untuk disajikan

    Contoh Lainnya:

    Posted by Fadlan Mumtaz
    Fadlan Mumtaz Updated at: Tuesday, February 26, 2019

    Teks deksriptif bahasa inggris: Museum Wayang

    Berikut ini text dekstiptif mengnai sejarah museum wayang dalam bahasa inggris. Tulisan ini dikembangkan oleh penulis untuk para pembaca agar paham dan membantu tentunya. Berikut contoh teks deksriptif:

    History About Wayang Museum

    Museum Wyang located in tourism of Jakarta Old Town from information reached before this building as formed church on old time on build at 1640. Located in central Batavia Town government. And total repaired 1732 up to 1736 because earthquake the finally this building function as new church. After time not function as church, but as  Old Museum Batavia at 22 December 1939. Then at 23 June 1968 submitted to government provice DKI Jakarta. After Mr.Ali government Wayang Museum opened at 13 Augusts 1975. Has surface area is 990m2 and new building is 20m2. To create because that era has idea that Wayang culture can be lost so that Wayang Museum is created.
    Wayang Museum has collection of 6373 collections on this place. The collections consists of dari wayang golek, gamelan mask dan others. Has wayang collection from Indonesian and other country. Having the rarest collection is Gamelan Keintan the age is 140 years as donations from Puntilan, Central Java by the owner chinesse people for Wayang Museum. So that has many collection, accordingly upkeep the museum invited archeology by government.

    Posted by Fadlan Mumtaz
    Fadlan Mumtaz Updated at: Monday, June 25, 2018

    Teks Deksriptif tentang kelebihan dan sejarah museum bank mandiri

    Expertise and History About Mandiri Bank Museum

    Starting from Cournelis De Houtman discovery wading through the ocean to search spices in Indonesia. He’s one of the merchant's messengers. And after years ago Netherland’s palnning to colonize Indonesia. Create company merchant’s the name is VOC from there development about company published by the Dutch Hindia government. From plantation, agriculture to administration. For to be centered Dutch income for war and other needs. Because Indonesia have richss which is expensive and big so that hard to get in Europe there is spices
    This building made in 1929 and has an area of 1 ha. Starting this building  is Nederlandsche Handel-Maatschappij (NHM) building or Factorji Batavia. With published by king of William I at 29 March 1824 number 163. On the Batavia known as factorij or merchant soldier. So this branch company merchant’s company Dutch property then expand to be company at banking field on Batavia from starting this name isa NIEM Bank at 1857 by Carl Federick. Then on 30 June 1949 NIEM Bank change to Escompto Bank.
    There is three Dutch architect to planning this building is J.J.J de Bruyn, A.P. Smits dan C. van de Linde. This building is banch of Dutch bank. Staring building property of the Dutch and taken over by Indonesian toverment to EXIM BANK, Dagang Negara Bank and Bank Bumi Daya (BBD Bank), Bank Pembangunan Indonesia (BAPINDO Bank). Then put together by Mr.Bj.Habibie at 1998 during the worst chrisis economi. The name is Mandiri Bank within the Mandiri Bank Museum and inaugurated at 1998. From that four bank to made in Mandiri Bank. While Mandiri Bank Museum founded on 2 October 1998.
    Mandiri Bank Museum located on old city Jakarta. Across have Jakarta Station and bedore as important building also near with Jakarta government office there before as currently known as Fatahillah Museum. This region formerly as central office and business because can found many former shop when Batavia is victorius.
    Mandiri Bank Museum has many heritage in here and unique ornaments like safes and ancient money. Mandiri Bank Museum has official authentic evidence list about many on before us. In the book explanation how to accounting books can taking effect for a company. Also can check authenticity of money with ultraviolet machine.
    This building got up keep from General Cleaning Team for care collections Mandiri Bank Museum. When theirs do cleaning so that Mandiri Bank Museum will be closed for cleaned and take keep up from collections, plant and that building. So every Monday Mandiri Bank Museum will be cleaned and closed for public that optimal there.
    Evidently government given role to Mandiri Bank Museum like as Mandiri Museum Bank as which one culture heritage on DKI Jakarta Province. Mandiri Bank Museum gived live care from Mandiri Bank as culture heritage and participate in determining the governance structure at this museum. This assets property of Mandiri Bank. Mandiri Bank Museum have renovation, but not total renovation. Like bulkhed his museum partially removed for comfortly the tourist

    Posted by Fadlan Mumtaz
    Fadlan Mumtaz Updated at: Wednesday, June 20, 2018

    Contoh backround tugas karya ilmiah kunjungan

    Latar belakang sangatlah penting digunakan dalam karya tulis karena sebagai tuntunan untuk pelengkap selanjutnya. Mungkin sejak kita sekolah dasar sudah diajarkan untuk bagaimana membuat sebuah makalah atau lebih, tetapi apakah kalian pernah memperhatikan penulisan dari sumber terkait atau mengeditnya? Belum tentu. Apakah kalian yakin bahasa yang kalian masukan itu baik terlebih lagi bahasa Inggris. Oleh karena itu diperlukan kata-kata yang tepat dalam penulisannya terutama tata cara seperti grammar serta lainnya. 

    Latar belakang berisi faktor-faktor mengenai atas dasar apa karya tulis ini dibuat. Hal ini sama seperti Latar belakang yang kita pernah buat namun dalam bahasa Inggris. Penulis dalam mengerjakan hal ini juga mengenai kendala yang sama dalam penulisannya. Dan kali ini penulis akan membagikan latar belakang karya ilmiah dalam  bahasa inggris pertama kalinya yaitu sebagai berikut:

    A.   Background
    Study Tour is  activities on the place who this routin activities  program study at every years, special for  at 11 grade  SMA Negeri 7 Depok. And students of 11 grade not must be for follow Visual Object Study Activities to Bali. For students not following that activities has been given the task for visits 2 museums, 2 universities, 2 cultural heritage hamlets dan 2 agro-tourisms.
    In globalization era this time not adequate find out only theory and internet more over strong competition on education world and working world later, so have been formed visit activities where the student invited to live learn on the spot with related sources  and see live so that contribute students experience now  so that excited students on study activities specialy on the school..
    So that improve knowledge also about lectures activities how ever this time must be know refrence for future. That competition not only in the city or province however all student in Indonesia will join the selection. So that not only for high school graduation, but old previous graduates could try selection on registration. Of course, this is increasingly burdensome so that lectures quota not compensated amount of high school on Indonesia.
    With held this activities, the students expected can explore, increase and knowledge for further about museums history, comprehension about lectures on the universities and learn about agro tourism.With this visit students so that could compare learn process on the spot wih knowledge which is obtained on the school.

    Posted by Fadlan Mumtaz
    Fadlan Mumtaz Updated at: Friday, June 08, 2018

    Contoh Kata Pengantar Karya Ilmiah dalam bahasa inggris

    Salah satu syarat karya ilmiah adalah memiliki sebuah pendahuluan untuk mengenalkan kepada pembaca mengenai materi karya ilmiah yang akan dibahas. Contohnya seperti kata pengantar agar para pembaca mengerti. Oleh karena itu tata cara kebahasaan dan penggunaan kata yang tepat menjadi acuan dalam membentuk kalimat tersebut. Berikut ini contoh kata pengantar dalam bahasa inggris:


    Thanks and guidance to all His servants. Alhamdulillah, we can carry out the activities of this visit. This report is made on the basis of not following the Visual Object Study (VOS) activity and has been able to complete the paper in the time that has been surprised. Thanks to our teachers, Pak Endang Supriyatna, S.Pd and Pak Ardy Rudy K, S.Pd who have given this task
                The information presented in this paper will certainly be very useful for friends and readers in need, because the information presented is directly related to the history of museums, agro-tourism activities, cultural heritage sites as well as visits to top universities in Indonesia.
               Thank God in completing this paper does not get a meaningful constraint, so the solution can be done well.
               In the event that there are things that are not in accordance with expectations, the authors will welcome constructive feedback, criticism, and suggestions for the perfection of this paper. Finally, the authors say thank you.    


    Muhammad Fadlan Mumtaz           
    Posted by Fadlan Mumtaz
    Fadlan Mumtaz Updated at: Thursday, June 07, 2018

    Contoh batasan masalah karya ilmiah kunjungan dalam bahasa inggris

    Salah satu syarat karya ilmiah adalah memiliki sebuah batasan masalah untuk mengenalkan kepada pembaca mengenai ruang lingkup masalah materi karya ilmiah yang akan dibahas sehingga penelitian fokus untuk dilakukan. Oleh karena itu tata cara kebahasaan dan penggunaan kata yang tepat menjadi acuan dalam membentuk kalimat tersebut. Berikut ini contoh batasan masalah dalam bahasa inggris dari penulis untuk para pembaca:

    A.   Restricting The Problem
    How ever this time globalization era increasingly pressing people specialy of teens people. Particularly development ethics and less society. Currently they are busy with gadgets, internet and habit of hanging out or “kongko”. This matter cause teenagers could less educated, not know purpose about live and not sensitive on the people society especially cultural richness of Indonesian. Many teenagers fails at meet the necessities of life and not care about they are need for future.
    So that, with this papar of visits could be add knowledge about history and culture Indonesian for reaches teenagers high education about value of knowledge so that teenagers failing on the way at globalization era. Therefore authors many take many benefits and saving  knowledge on this visits.

    Posted by Fadlan Mumtaz
    Fadlan Mumtaz Updated at: Monday, June 04, 2018

    Cara membuat telur dadar dengan garam

    Kali ini saya akan membagikan artikel tentang "cara membuat telur dadar dalam bahasa inggris". Caranya seperti ini. Saya juga memiliki rekomendasi artikel tentang procedure text.

    Dalam bahasa Inggris cara membuat telur dadar dengan garam saja:

    How To Make An Omelet
    Ingredients And Tools:
    1. Egg
    2. Frying pan
    3. Coocking oil
    4. Spatula
    5. Stove
    6. 1/2 teaspoon salt
    7. 1 sachet powdered flavorings

    Step by step:
    1. Break the egg and put to bowl
    2. Input salt and powdered flavorings ,stir well with teaspoon
    3. Heat a frying pan and input cooking oil
    4. After heat, put egg batter to pan
    5. Fry for some minutes
    6. Drain cooking oil
    7. finally, put to plate
    8. Ready to serve

    Dalam bahasa indonesia cara membuat telur dadar :

    Cara Membuat Telur Dadar

    1. Telur
    2. Penggorengan
    3. Minyak goreng
    4. Spatula
    5. Kompor
    6. 1/2 sendok teh garam
    7. 1 sachet bumbu penyedap rasa

    Cara membuat:
    1. Pecahkan telur dan masukan ke dalam mangkok
    2. Masukan garam dan bubuk penyedap rasa, aduk sampai rata
    3. Panaskan wajan dan masukan minyak goreng
    4. Setelah panas, masukan adonan telur ke wajan
    5. Goreng selama beberapa menit
    6. Tiriskan minyak goreng
    7. Terakhir, taruh di piring
    8. Siap untuk disajikan

    Posted by Fadlan Mumtaz
    Fadlan Mumtaz Updated at: Saturday, March 31, 2018