Salah satu syarat karya ilmiah adalah memiliki sebuah pendahuluan untuk mengenalkan kepada pembaca mengenai materi karya ilmiah yang akan dibahas. Contohnya seperti kata pengantar agar para pembaca mengerti. Oleh karena itu tata cara kebahasaan dan penggunaan kata yang tepat menjadi acuan dalam membentuk kalimat tersebut. Berikut ini contoh kata pengantar dalam bahasa inggris:
Thanks and guidance to all His servants.
Alhamdulillah, we can carry out the activities of this visit. This report is
made on the basis of not following the Visual Object Study (VOS) activity and
has been able to complete the paper in the time that has been surprised. Thanks
to our teachers, Pak Endang Supriyatna, S.Pd and Pak Ardy Rudy K, S.Pd who have
given this task
information presented in this paper will certainly be very useful for friends
and readers in need, because the information presented is directly related to
the history of museums, agro-tourism activities, cultural heritage sites as
well as visits to top universities in Indonesia.
God in completing this paper does not get a meaningful constraint, so the
solution can be done well.
the event that there are things that are not in accordance with expectations,
the authors will welcome constructive feedback, criticism, and suggestions for
the perfection of this paper. Finally, the authors say thank you.
Muhammad Fadlan Mumtaz